Day 0: Building a SaaS Product in 100 Days

Have you heard of #100DaysOfTechStartup? If not, you should check out this 100Dots program created by Simon. If you have been thinking of building something but never really started something, you must read this.

Basically, the goal is to build a SaaS product in 100 days. And to keep you on track, there is a clear path defined where you have to hit smaller milestones to reach the bigger one. Not having this clear path and a community to rally behind you is what makes people stop what they are doing in between.

I was reading, Ten Ways To Make Money As A Developer book and was thrilled to know all the ways people are making money. Everybody does vaguely know all the ways, but the know-how of how to start and how to master it is where many would need guidance and that's exactly Florin 's book provides us. It is very well written, has up-to-date information, and very motivating. The book mainly covers:

  • Working as a Developer
  • Freelancing
  • Blogging
  • Running a YouTube Channel
  • Live Coding & Streaming
  • 1-on-1 Mentoring
  • Creating Courses
  • Creating Digital Products
  • Contributing to Open Source
  • Building a SaaS

If you are interested in doing any one of these steps, you should definitely check out the book available on Gumroad. Anyway, while reading this book is when I got hooked on the idea of Building SaaS. I have listened to podcasts by Arvind Kahl and how he sold his SaaS company. So, the idea has always been in my mind but that's it. It was always just an idea. I recently heard someone say, "If just ideas could make money, everybody would be a billionaire". How true!! It's the passion to come out of the comfort zone and getting your hands dirty is what makes the difference.

So, I am committing to #100DaysOfTechStartup from today (01/13/2021) and plan to stick to it for the next 100 days. I will be regular updates regarding my journey and my learnings in this blog. So please subscribe to this blog or follow me on Twitter Tech Hustler for latest updates.

The product I am going to develop is a Property Management Software. As someone who owns real estate, I will be the first customer of my product. I will share more details on why I chose to build this product and what tech stack and what features I am going to be building soon. So, Watch out this space?

What cool projects are you working on these days? Do you have any book recommendations? I would love to know. Please share in the comments.